Introducing the VTS Absolute Return Portfolio


All investors have their own level of risk tolerance.Ā  If you're in the strong growth phase of your investing journey, then the VTS Absolute Return Portfolio is the perfect match for you.

We still keep risk management and capital preservation as the top priority, but within that mandate we can focus on higher returning strategiesĀ and asset classes to produce a market crushing rate of return while still keeping drawdowns manageable.

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VTS Top PerformersĀ  āž”ļø

The VTS Absolute Return Portfolio focuses on aggressive growth by allocating to our two highest returning strategies, while still maintaining all the risk management tools that Volatility Targeting offers.

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50% VTS Tactical Volatility Strategy

Volatility ETPs like VXX & UVXY decay long term.Ā  The problem though for "Short Volatility" traders is that they are also risky and have huge price spikes during market crashes.Ā Ā The VTS Tactical Volatility Strategy uses Volatility Targeting to maximize the best time to be Short Volatility and profiting from stable markets, Long Volatility and profiting from market crashes, or to be safely in Gold.

50% VTS Defensive Rotation Strategy

The VTS Defensive Rotation strategy tactically allocates only to the most advantageous asset class given current market conditions.Ā  The Nasdaq index when markets are stable, Utilities during elevated risk, and full Cash for safety when markets are melting down.

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Claim Your FREE Trial to VTS!

Every day you'll see our live trades for all 5 tactical strategies, the proprietary VTS Volatility Barometer, the extended Volatility Dashboard metrics, and my daily blog.Ā  Plus you'll gain access to the 30-part Iron Condor course exclusive to VTS subscribers.

Claim Your FREE Trial Now

Real performance, not backtests

Performance is tracked from all live trades sent out to paying VTS members in the allocations stated in every daily email, including trade fees and dividends

Portfolio Allocations and active strategies can change year to year but there is absolutely NO survivorship or backfill bias with the Total Portfolio Solution

* All information, analysis, and articles on this site are provided for informational purposes only.  Nothing herein should be interpreted as personalized investment advice as I make no recommendations to buy, sell, or hold any securities or positions.  I’m making this website available “as is” with no warranty or guarantees of its accuracy, completeness or currentness.  If you rely on this website or any of the information contained, you do so entirely at your own risk. I do not hold myself out as a financial advisor and nothing herein is a solicitation for any fund or securities mentioned.  Although I may answer general questions about the information herein, I’m not licensed and registered under security laws to address your personal investment situation.  Past performance is not indicative of future results.  Any and all financial decisions are the sole responsibility of you the individual.